Monday, August 16, 2010

"Error Occurred While Attempting to Establish an Applications File Server Connection"


" An error occurred while attempting to establish an Applications File Server connection. There may be a network configuration problem, or the TNS listener may not be running on "
Solutions to Check

1. Is this a Multinode Install or a Single Node Install.
- If this is a Multinode Install, you will need access to the Middle Tier and the Backend Tier (Concurrent Processor) 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora files

- If this is a Single Node Install, you need access to the Concurrent Processor 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file

2. Run a report, is there actually a Report Output and Log file being produced at the Operating System level?
- Check the $APPLCSF/out and the $APPLCSF/log directories for the Request_ID out and log file
- If there are no log and output file being produces there Check the permissions on those directories (APPLMGR should have write)
- If $APPLCSF is not set, check the $FND_TOP/log and out for output and logs

3. Confirm that there are 2 listener processes actively running for the Instance that you cannot view reports on -- 1 from 8.0.6 and from 8.1.6 directory structures
- type the following:
ps -ef | grep tnslsnr
- If there is only 1 listener running from the 8.1.6 directory structure
That is the Database Listener
The FNDFS listener needs to be started separately from the Database Listener
- To start the FNDFS Listener:
a. Log the Operating System Level as the APPLMGR account user
b. Set the environment for the $APPL_TOP & 8.0.6 $ORACLE_HOME (APPSORA.env)
c. Go to the $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts (Common_top area)
d. Run the following script: start APPS_SID

(you can confirm the FNDFS Listener name from viewing the 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora file)

4. Check the actual machine name for the Concurrent Processor Server
- type the following:
uname -n

5. Go to the Applications and check the CONCURRENT > MANAGER > ADMINISTER screen in the System Administrator Responsibility The INTERNAL MANAGER NODE NAME; is it the same as what was returned from question 4?
- If it is the same then continue with next step
- If it is not the same,
Shutdown Concurrent Managers and update the FND table:
a. Go to the $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts
b. apps/apps stop
c. Connect to SQL*PLUS apps/apps

d. SQL > select target_node from FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES;
This may return the name of an old machine

e. SQL > update FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES set target_node='' where target_node='';

f. SQL > commit;
g. SQL > exit
h. apps/apps start

6. In the 8.0.6 TNSNAMES.ora file, look at the FNDFS_ connection string entry.
Is the hostname value the same as is in questions 4?
- The Rapid Install creates 2 or sometimes 3 FNDFS entries in the TNSNAMES.ora
a. 1 with the FNDFS_
b. 1 with the FNDFS_
c. 1 with the FNDFS_
- The one that is the correct entry is FNDFS_ (hostname being what is returned from a "uname -n")
- If this file does not contain the correct Hostname value
Make a backup of it and edit it to change the FNDFS entry.

7. Check the Network Connection for the FNDFS entry that was defined by the Rapid Install.
- At the Operating System Level
a. tnsping FNDFS_
- This should return the Hostname name and Port information identical to the FNDFS entry in the TNSNAMES.ora file

8. Check the Following PROFILE > SYSTEM Options in The System Administrator Responsibility

CONCURRENT: Report Access Level (this must be set to USER or RESPONSIBILITY)
RRA: Service Prefix (this should be BLANK)
RRA: Enabled (this must be set to YES)
VIEWER: Text (this should be BLANK to view with the default text viewer)
- Viewer: Text can Be set to "browser" to view with Netscape or IE

9. This step should be performed in a case where there might have been patches applied and possibly the FNDFS executable was not Relinked, or it may be missing from the file system or corrupted.
- Shutdown the FNDFS Listener
a. $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/ stop APPS_SID
- Rename or Move the Current FNDFS executable before relinking
a. $FND_TOP/bin
b. As APPLMGR account user force=y "fnd FNDFS"
- Start the FNDFS Listener
a. $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/ start APPS_SID

Metalink Note : ID 117012.1

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